Сценарий концерта в рамках недели иностранных языков на английском и немецком языках. Разработка "сценарий концерта на английском языке" Выступает на концерте по английски

  • Дата: 20.05.2024

Уровень B. Мой мир.

My impressions after the concert

In the summer I managed to get to the concert of your favorite band in Moskvu.Ya was very happy before the trip, only when I bought a ticket. "Green Day" appeared on June 21 in "The Olympic".
All morning I was already in anticipation of this event, although the concert started at 7 pm only. At 16:00 I got on the train to Kazan railway station, and then I went on the subway. When the concert began, at first it was hard to get used to the loud sound, but then I started jumping with the crowd in the rhythm of the music.

I finally saw their idols live! At this point I was very pleased. And at some of the songs I was crying, I could not hold back emotions. More precisely, crying with happiness that I hear them live. I finally saw Billie Joe Armstrong, Tre Cool, Mike Dernt.

I can safely say that it was memorable. It was one of the most happy and joyful moments in my life.
The concert ended at 23:30. I was tired and went to the subway joyful, and I heard the fans shout quotes Billy. With some I even was on the way. In the train, I almost fell asleep. And when I came home in the morning to tell their experiences to parents and friends in the morning.

I will never forget this day.

Летом мне удалось попасть на концерт своей любимой группы в Москву. Я была очень счастлива еще до поездки, когда только купила билет."Зеленый день" выступали 21 июня в "Олимписком".

Все утро я была уже в предвкушении этого события, хотя концерт начинался только в 7 вечера. В 16:00 я села в электричку до Казанского вокзала, затем я ехала на метро. Когда начался концерт, сначала было трудно привыкнуть к громкому звуку, но потом я начала прыгать вместе с толпой в ритм музыки.

Я наконец-то увидела своих кумиров, вживую! В этот момент я была очень рада. А под некоторые песни я плакала, не могла сдержать эмоций. Точнее, плакала от счастья, что я слышу их вживую. Я наконец-то увидела Билли Джо Армстронга, Тре Кула, Майка Дернта.

Я смело могу сказать что это было незабываемо. Это был один из самых счастливых и радостных моментов в моей жизни.

Концерт закончился в 23:30. Я уставшая и радостная зашла в метро, и слышала как фанаты кричат цитаты Билли. С некоторыми мне даже было по пути. В электричке я чуть не заснула. А когда приехала домой, до утра рассказывала свои впечатления родителям, а на утро друзьям.

Я никогда не забуду этот день.

Сценарий концерта на неделю английского языка

(Кушкова С.В.)

Февраль 2015г.

    Dear friends! We glad to see you on our concert!

    Дорогие друзья! Мы рады видеть Вас на нашем концерте!

    Today we have a very interesting show. We will recite poems, sing the song, dance, you will watch short plays and we will have some quiz!

    Сегодня у нас будет очень интересный концерт. Мы будем декламировать стихи, петь песни, танцевать, увидим короткие сценки и поиграем.

    We want to start with some rhymes. Girls from the 5 th form, please.

    Мы хотим начать со стихов. Девочки 5 класс, пожалуйста.

What are little boys made of, made of?

What are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails,

And puppy-dogs" tails,

That"s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of, made of?

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice And all things nice,

That"s what little girls are made of.

Children are skiing,

Children are skating,

Sledging down the hills.

Winter is charming,

When it is coming

With snow and frost all around.

- Thank you girls! And now quiz. Let’s check what do you know about the UK and Russia. Answer the questions!

    Спасибо девочки. Асейчасвикторина. Давайте посмотрим, как хорошо вы знаете Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Россию. Отвечайте на вопросы!


    What is the largest part of the UK? (England)

    What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

    What parts does the UK consist of? (the UK consist of 4 parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)

    What is the favourite topic to discuss in GB? (the weather)

    Where can you see ravens in London? (in the Tower of London)

    What is the deepest freshwater lake in Russia? (lake Baikal)

    How many republics are there in Russia? (22)

    What is the longest river in Europe? (Volga)

    Oh ! You are very clever ! Thanks .

    Какие Вы молодцы. Спасибо!

    Now let’s watch a joke! How some students passed the exams.

    Давайте посмотрим шутки, как студенты сдавали экзамены.

    Now, we will have very interesting and we think very funny competition “I think I can dance”. We need 7 pupils. So, who want to take part?

    Сейчас у нас будет очень интересный, и мы думаем, очень смешной конкурс «Танцуют все». Нам нужно 7 учеников. Кто желает поучаствовать?

    Riddles :


Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it?

What is in the middle of Paris?

Париж - что находится посреди него?

The letter "R".

What is found over your head but under your hat?

Your Hair.

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?


The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?


Look at my face and you see somebody
Look at my back and you see nobody.

A mirror.

We have legs but cannot walk.
Tables and chairs.

- And now Let’s watch how our pupils learn English.

Посмотрим, как наши ученики учат английский.

The pupils are shouting and running between the desks, some of them are sitting on the desks. Two boys are fighting. The girls are laughing loudly. The bell rings. Nobody pays any attention to it. Only one pupil is sitting at the desk and reading. The teacher comes into the classroom and goes to her table.

The teacher/shouts/: Stop it! Take your seats! The lesson has begun! Good morning, children. First of all let’s revise some grammar rules. Do you remember the meaning of the category of person? The verb to be. “I am ill, he is ill, she is ill, we are ill, etc.” Bobby, go to the blackboard and write it down.

Bobby/writes on the blackboard/: All are ill.

The teacher: Oh, Bobby! Alice, if I say: I wash, you wash, he washes, we wash, they wash - what is it?

Alice: I think it is a bathroom and we are all very dirty.

The teacher becomes nervous. She writes two sentences on the blackboard: “John has been learning English for 3 years”. “Jane learnt English at school 3 years ago”

The teacher: Pete, where is the Present Perfect Continuous and the Past Simple Tense?

Pete: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is next to Past Simple and the Past Simple Tense is near Present Perfect Continuous.

The teacher becomes angry: What are you talking about? Sit down! You know nothing! Albert, where is the subject?

Albert: I don’ know, madam. I haven’t got it. Look! /He turned out his pockets//The rest of the pupils are laughing. A girl is reading a magazine. The boys are playing./

The teacher /almost furious/: Albert, where is the subject? I ask you the second time!

Albert /sadly/: I should like to have your worries, madam!

The teacher: Who can find the subject in a sentence? Ann, please.

Ann: Well, I see there is no progress in the science of language. My father tells me that when he was a schoolboy they were making them look for this thing too. So they haven’t found it yet, have they?

The teacher /angrily/: I can’t listen to such silly answers! Who can write some adverbs? Tom!

Tom: I can. /Goes to the blackboard and writes/Highly, poorly,richly He reads:

The teacher /screams/: That’s enough! Your English is very poor! You are unteachable! You don’t know grammar at all! What about reading? Have you read the text about O’Henry? What was O’Henry? Where was he born?

Bobby /shouts/: I know! He was an American cosmonaut and was born in Zvezdny Gorodok!

The teacher faints. All the pupils jump and shout: “The lesson is over!”

- Dasha Polishuk is going to dance now. Please Dasha.

ДашаПолищукподготовилатанец. Пожалуйста, Даша.

- Tongue twisters . Who wants to try?

- Скороговорки. Кто хочет попробовать?


The 5 th form would like to show us some small jokes.

Пятый класс хочет показать нам маленькие шуточные ситуации.

Poet: Have you got my books of poems?

Lady: Oh, yes, I have. It is lovely! I wonder where it is...

Lady"s little son: It is under the leg of the table, Mummy.

Willie is at the party. There are a lot of things on the table. “Do you want something more, Willie?” asks the host.

“No, thank you,” answers Willie.

“I am full”.

“Well then,” smiles the host, “put some fruit and cakes in your pocket to eat on the way home.”

“No, thank you,” answers Willie, “they are full too.”

- Конкурс «Funny artists». You should draw an animal that we will say. But you will be blind.

- Конкурс « Веселыехудожники». Вы должны нарисовать животное, которое мы вам скажем, но с завязанными глазами.

horse, cat, dog, frog, dolphin, seal

    And now Polina Nosko is going to sing the song “Molitva”!

    А сейчас Полина Носко споет песню “Molitva” .

    Our party is over. Thank you your attention ! Goodbye !

    Наш праздник окончен. Спасибо за внимание. До свидания!

Степанова Т.В.

Учитель английского языка


Сценарий концерта

в рамках недели английского языка

Вед.1 : Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Вед.2 Glad to see you at our big English concert!

Вед.1 I hope you will enjoy our songs, poems and dancing.

Вед.1 From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can prove it.

Well, we begin. Come on let’s go!

Вед.2 Spring is coming, spring is coming, Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Birdies, build your nest: Flowers are coming too.

Weave together straw and feather Snowdrops, lilies, daffodillies

Doing each your best. Now are coming through

Вед. 1 Let’s listen to the song «Sunshine reggae». Meet Давид Тамамян from the 9 th V form.

Thank you very much. It was great!

Вед. 2 Now let’s listen to the poem by Адиля Галиева, form 3B

Thank you

Вед.1 And now please watch very interesting and beautiful dance. 3A form.

Let"s applaud to our children

Вед.2 There’s a poem for you. Миша Ганин 6B form

Вед.1 And now the song «Time for school» Альбина Гаязова 7А form

Вед. 2 Dear guests, let’s have a rest and meet the 6 V form!

Thank you very much, children.

Вед.1 Now the poem for you again.6 A form. Даша Богданчикова

Вед. 2 And now a song «Raindrops keep falling on my head” Please, Meet Давид Тамамян.

Thank you very much David

Вед. 1 Аnd now I invite a pretty girl Диана Тамбовцева to the scene. 7А form

Вед. 2 Now let’s listen to Алина Хуснутдинова from 8b form. A poem «She walks in beauty like the night”.

Вед. 1 A funny poem «My parents sent me to the store». Медведева Арина 5B form

Вед. 2 Аnd we meet Болотова Даша. «The show must go on»

Вед. 2 Dear women, mothers, girls! We congratulate all of you on the International Women"s Day. We wish you to be always beautiful, happy and fine

Вед. 1

I came with the spring sun to us.

You ring funny songs,

Today holiday of our mothers!

Вед. 2 Алина Аглиева is singing for you «You and I»

Вед. 1 Very, very brilliant children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye. Thank you very much! See you!

А, м. concert m., нем. Konzert < ит. concerto <лат. concertare состязаться. 1. Музыкальное произведение для солирующего инструмента, голоса или их группы, обычно в сопровождении оркестра. Сл. 18. А концертов за тое шубу он Тимофеи писать не … Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

КОНЦЕРТ - (фр.). 1) музыкальное сочинение, написанное для одного или нескольких инструментов. 2) собрание и выполнение ряда музыкальных пьес для игры или пения перед публикой. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910.… … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

КОНЦЕРТ - КОНЦЕРТ, концерта, муж. (итал. concerto). 1. Публичное исполнение музыкальных произведений. Концерт симфонического оркестра. Дать концерт (об исполнителе). 2. Род большого музыкального произведения для одного инструмента с акомпанементом оркестра … Толковый словарь Ушакова

концерт - См. согласие... Словарь русских синонимов и сходных по смыслу выражений. под. ред. Н. Абрамова, М.: Русские словари, 1999. концерт пение, согласие, произведение, вечер, солянка, капустник, сольник, исполнение, выступление, концертино,… … Словарь синонимов

Концерт - Livealbum von Billy Joel Veröffentlichung Oktober 1987 Label Sony BMG … Deutsch Wikipedia

КОНЦЕРТ - Saltar a navegación, búsqueda КОНЦЕРТ Álbum de Billy Joel Publicación Octubre de 1987 Género(s) Rock … Wikipedia Español

Концерт - (итальянское concerto, буквально согласие, от латинского concerto состязаюсь), музыкальное произведение для ансамбля исполнителей (инструментального или вокального), основанное на контрастном сопоставлении звучания всего исполнительского состава… … Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

Концерт - Live album by Billy Joel Released October 1987 … Wikipedia

Концерт - Álbum en vivo de Billy Joel Publicación Octubre de 1987 Género(s) Rock Duración 40:06 Discográfica Columbia Records … Wikipedia Español

КОНЦЕРТ - муж. музыка на несколько голосов или музыкальных орудий, составленная для одной только музыкальной цели, по принятым правилам. Давать концерт, петь или играть в собрании посетителей, и обычно при помоции хора, оркестра. Концертант муж.… … Толковый словарь Даля

КОНЦЕРТ - (нем. Konzert от итал. concerto, букв. согласие, от лат. concerto состязаюсь),1) музыкальное произведение для одного или (реже) нескольких солирующих инструментов и оркестра. Типичны виртуозная сольная партия, состязание солиста с оркестром.… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь


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Разделы: Иностранные языки , Внеклассная работа

Цель мероприятия:

  • развитие творческой активности учащихся;
  • активизация всех форм внеклассной работы;
  • повышение интереса к языку.

Peppy: Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Mary Poppins: Glad to see you at our big English concert!

Peppy: Today you will listen to the English songs, rhymes and tales.

Mary: From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can proof it.

Peppy: Well, we begin. Come on let " s go!

Mary: Peppy, do you have any pets?

Peppy: Yes, I do. I have got a cat. I like it very much. As far as I know the children from the 4 th form can sing a very nice song about Bingo.

Mary: Who is this? I don , t know it.

Peppy: You don , t know! Listen to the song and you , ll understand.

(выступление учащихся 4 класса, дети исполняют песню "Bobby-Bingo")

Mary: Thank you very much. It was great!

Peppy: Yes, it was really great. To have a dog is well. Dogs are good friends. But I know that pupils from the 6 th form have lions, a parrot, a bee, an owl:

Mary: Really? Are they zoo-keepers? Let s see!

(выступление 6 класса. Инсценировка сказки о маленьком львёнке).

Peppy: Oh, my God! I was so worried about young lioness. All is well that ends well.

Mary: Don t worry! Be calm! Say me, please. Do you like to be late?

Peppy: Who? I? Never! To tell the truth the pupils from the 7 th form like to be late.

Mary: Are you sure? I don t think so.

Peppy: Sure? Am I sure? Let s see!

(Выступление 7 класса "Late again"). Приложение №3.

Mary: Thank you very much, children. Better late than never.

Peppy: But better never late. Mary, do you know Michelle?

Mary: Michelle? No, I don t know. Who is she?

Peppy: Let s listen to the song! Meet the girls-band from the 8 th form. I am sure that they know this mysterious Michelle.

(девушки из 8 класса исполняют песню группы "Биттлз" "Michelle").

Mary: Thanks, girls. You are right. Love is great. But to love or not to love? What is the questions!

Peppy: What do you say? There is no doubt to love! And now meet the 10th form!

(выступление учащихся 10 класса "On the rocks"). Приложение №5

Mary: Thank very much. In my opinion the quarrel is a bad thing. Why do people quarrel with each other? I do not know. But as far as I know the pupils of the 7 th form can answer this question.

(выступление учащихся 7 класса - "The Quarrel"). Приложение №6

Peppy: It was not bad. Thanks, children. :.Oh, my God! To tell the truth, I am very hungry! I d like to eat banana or ice-cream with pleasure. Let , go to the cafe!

Mary: OK! And you, my dear friends, meet the pupils of the 6 th form.

(учащиеся 6 класса разыгрывают сценку "Приглашение в кафе"). Приложение №7

Mary: Good for you, thanks.

Peppy (поёт): "Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes:

Mary: Peppy, what are you singing?

Peppy: Oh, it is a very nice song, but I have forgotten the words.

Mary: Never mind! Children from the 4 th form can help you.

(звучит песня "Head and shoulders" в исполнении учащихся 4 класса). Приложение №8

Peppy: Thanks, children! It was great! Mary, where do you live?

Mary: I live in the city.

Peppy: And I live in the country.

Mary and Peppy (together): Where would you rather live?

(ученица 5 класса читает стихотворение " A question").

Peppy: Good for you! You are very clever!

Mary: And now, Peppy, listen to my favorite song!

(учащиеся 4 класса исполняют песню "Trot to Boston").

Peppy: Very, very talented children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye.

Mary: Thank you very much! We , ll meet next year. See you!

Список используемой литературы.

  1. с 1 Железнов С и Железнова Е. Английские песенки и стихи для детей, изучающих английский язык "The key of the Kingdom" (аудиокассета);
  2. с 2 Кознов С. "Все песни "Beatles" М.: ТЕРРА, Саратов; Издательство С.В. Кознова, 1997, - 224с.
  3. с 3 Кузовлёв В.П., Лапа Н. М Английский язык: Учеб для 5 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений - М.: Просвещение, 1998. - 368с.
  4. с 4 Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б Счастливый английский. Кн. 1. Учеб. Для 5 - 6 кл. сред. шк. - М.: Просвещение, 1993. - 416с.
  5. с 5 Кузовлёв В.П., Лапа Н. М Английский язык: Учеб для 7 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений - М.: Просвещение, 1996.